2014年5月21日 星期三


Evaluation of anemia

male: Hb<13
famale, children: Hb<11
new born: Hb<15


macrocytic anemia: MCV>100, Vit. B12 or folic acid insufficiency, aplastic anemia, reticulocytosis, alcoholism, hypothyroidism, drug, other hematologic disease
normocytic anemia: MCV=80-100, uremia, endocrine disorder, leukemia, liver abscess
microcytic anemia: MCV<80, anemia of chronic disease, iron insufficiency, thalassemia

Reticulocyte productive index, RPI

RPI=Ret (%) X Hct / (45X maturation index)

Microcytic anemia

anemia of chronic disease

malignancy, chronic infection, chronic inflammation cause massive cytokine and hepcidin production and EPO production reduced
    serum ferritin: ─/↑
    serum iron: ↓
    TIBC: ↓
    transferrin saturation: ↓

Iron deficiency disease

most common, female predominal
    serum ferritin: ↓
    serum iron: ↓
    TIBC: ↑
    transferrin saturation: ↓


autosominal recessive, target cell or basophilic stippling in blood smear


1 alpha abnormal: carrier, no symptom
2 alpha abnormal: alpha thalassemia-minor, may disdiagnosised as iron deficiency anemia
3 alpha abnormal: alpha thalassemia-intermdiate=Hb H disease, jaundice, splenomegaly, hemochromatosis 
4 alpha abnormal: alpha thalassemia-major=hydrops fetalis=Hb Bart's disease: unable to born


1 beta abnormal: beta thalassemia-minor, no symptom or mild anemia 
2 beta abnormal: beta thalassemia-major=Cooley's disease: Hb F>2% or Hb A2>3.5%, need transfusion to survive, and bone marrow transplant soon after birth

Macrocytic anemia

megaloblastic anemia

Vit. B12 or folic acid insufficiency, MCV>115, pancytopenia, reticulocyte↓, megaloblastic hyperplasia
* PANCYTO for pancytopenia: PNH, Aplastic anemia, Neoplasm, Cirrhosis,Y(Vit. B12 or folic acid), Toxin, Overwhelming sepsis

Aplastic anemia

Hb<10, neutrophil<1500, platelet<50K, autoimmune disease
* neutropenia: ANC(=WBC*(Seg%+band%)<1500/uL





神經學檢查其實很多,這裡就一般常見的做簡單介紹。 意識狀態 意識狀態的評估是所有檢查的第一步。要注意的一點是一般在急診我們用昏迷指數來方便快速溝通,但是這個指數其實是針對腦傷病人研發出來的,人的意識狀態絕對不是只是一個 3~15 的數字,除了記錄昏迷指數之外,需要另外註記其他反應...